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Free Your Heart Free Your Mind with the Lazarus Initiative


Morgellons is still of concern in this Sacha Stone "Lazarus Initiative," along with other issues. Harald Kautz-Vella and I were interviewed early on, and the series is now continuing on June 25, 2021.

THE LAZARUS INITIATIVE "As we bravely seek to retrieve the story of CosmoGenesis we are required to journey through the mind across a labyrinthine ocean of myth and memory. A journey which requires that we suspend all fixed notions of reality and…more than that…prepare ourselves for a radical overhaul of our conceptual framework altogether." - Sacha Stone Our new timeline for the upcoming symposium is June 25th, when our syndicated broadcast livestream event will be for members only. As a member, you will receive monthly methodologies and new conceptual frameworks for the upcoming radical shifts happening now. Learn more about becoming a member here.

The Lazarus Initiative | Transcript 1Following our Symposia, we have an incredible team of editors that transcribe every word of truth spoken, creating a pdf book for you to download. We offer our 1st Symposium Transcript as a complimentary gift, and example of one bonus you will receive as a member each month. Download the Transcript

Our next video from a new series of video trailers, to freely distribute. Post these to your social media accounts and forward to your family and friends who are awakening from the dream spell and breaking free from the illusions and lies. Join us in the discovery of our individual and collective truth. Lazarus Initiative Trailer: You The People


If you've been joining us for the Lazarus Initiative Symposiums, you will be aware that Sacha has been systemically censored and de-platformed. In order to continue growing the NewEarth Horizon Media platform (with our own independent servers in Iceland - the only nation beyond the grip of the google gestapo) We are inviting subscription-based memberships for premier, front-row access to each monthly Lazarus Initiative livestream broadcasts. A membership grants you privileged viewing of our Symposium live stream broadcasts each month, including special livestreams with Sacha and his hand-selected guests, before all recorded media will become free & open source within 12 weeks of broadcast. Going forward our syndicated broadcast livestream events will be for members only. As a Member you will also benefit from new conceptual frameworks and methodologies for your preparations with the upcoming radical shifts happening now. If you have not yet joined us as a member, please consider supporting and benefiting from our memberships. ENROLL NOW


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