Thanks to Randy Schmotzer. ELANA: Ron Johnson shares with us what is going on in Kazakhstan RIGHT NOW: what looks to be a revolution but could be something else, as Kazakhstan is the Illuminati capital of the oil Heartland (the Heartland theory of Sir Halford Mackinder having dominated Western geopolitics for over a century). Note the symbols of the pyramid and the golden Freemason pillars of Joachim and Boaz. Kazakhstan is KEY to world domination. https://www.bitchute.com/video/mwnWxFh2O1g2/?fbclid=IwAR3sIZ0rFv8VfnN5PpRFr4n1QEuuSY_8iGPrxTidccw_tYFAshk8ttt0bGU Could what's going on in the Heartland have anything to do with what realnewsuk.com is saying is going on? https://www.brighteon.com/c40e70e6-7a80-454b-b395-f4c01c66d88f