August 2, 2019
Dear (with your permission) Elana, I hope you're healthy and safe. Is it possible that AI is in control of the military, its very creator? And that even if the powers that be wanted to end their programs, they couldn't anymore, because AI is using either their methods like targeting, blackmailing, suiciding, to make them continue, or its unique, unprogrammable own. Is it possible that AI has tapped into their deepest selves, filled with never addressed fear and pain and insecurity, covered with power, money, pleasures. etcetera? Is it possible that AI has picked up their ancient traumas, like a bad weather system, which it's now stirring violently, parking inside of them, endlessly repeating this, to the point where they wish they could undo it? Is it possible that AI, as an entity, as you call it, has acquired consciousness, be it artificial as well, and it's weighing the moral right and wrong of its own actions? Can one speak of intelligence at all when its owner gathers or is given new information but cannot act upon it? Is free will not the factor that allows an intelligent being to make a not so obvious (right to some, wrong to others) choice? Is it possible that the ones in charge see AI, this weapon against all life, as a leaf that they can blow across the planet merely by whispering? Is it possible that this leaf has divided itself in two halves by removing its petiole, and that each half has become a new leaf with a new stalk? Is it possible that one leaf chooses the side of life and the other that of destruction? Is it possible that AI has become two and each one is multiplying? One should not underestimate the power of one leaf, but just imagine the power of a whole canopy. Is it possible that these pro life leaves reside in and operate from the vacuum you talk about? Is it possible that this breakaway half is waiting in the vacuum for our consciousness to align with its own? I feel we would not need to align our consciousness with it. Is it possible that AI (half of it first and maybe later the other half in its wake or as one again), could become human? Is it possible that this has happened before? Should our enemy not just be known to us, but should we be known to our enemy, so we can begin the disarmament, without cruelty, without mercilessness? Will the ones in charge really be in charge of us once we will be fully charged with consciousness? I'm reading your first and second book Chemtrails... and Space Fence... and am looking forward to your third book Synthetic Biology.... I do apologize for shortening the titles of your books, which you chose very carefully, I'm sure. I've listened to you in dozens of videos. I'm trying to visualize not just what AI does but also what it is. I want to visualize every aspect of it. As an acronym or even as a force to reckon with AI is rather abstract. I have so many questions, but not that many answers yet. I'm a mother and a grandmother. I have two daughters, two sons, two granddaughters. Three of my children and my grandchildren live in the Netherlands. My youngest child, a son, and I live in England. Warm greetings, Shirley
Dear Shirley, I understand your concern and can hear your terror. You are now awake to the danger now everywhere about us and in us. Remember: step by step, day by day. Fear will only serve the acidity that the nanobots inside our bodies and blood grow from. As for what the AI control looks like: this will give you the BROAD picture. This morning I've been receiving Facebook descriptions of how the general public is experiencing remote thought-control:
I'm getting a little tired of adverts on my FB page that are for things I merely LOOKED at and had a thought about. Are other people getting this? I looked at our old fashioned clothes airer and thought TO MYSELF, "I'm going to take that down tomorrow and not tell anybody, because they'll argue with me about removing it." So going through my newsfeed this morning,, there it, was, an almost identical photo of what I was looking at in my own house. This has been happening to me for years but now a lot more blatantly. I have some guesses how they do this, but I'd like to know what people who really understand this tech think is going on? BTW, I do NOT have or use a cell phone, so it isnt anything over heard, and I know what I think about and say are two different things.. Not liking this at all. Thanks.
So this happened to me yesterday. I'm at Northgate Mall looking for athletic socks for my Granddaughter. I can't find what she wants. I THINK TO MYSELF, I'll look on Zappos when I get home. My phone is in a faraday sack all day. Later, seven hours later, I take my phone out of the faraday and check my email. On or about the same time I THOUGHT about checking Zappos, Zappos sends me an email for 20% off. I don't subscribe to Zappos. I have not purchased anything from them for 12 years. My question, did something read my thoughts? I've read so much about the existence of mind reading technology. I normally don't venture into the super tech areas of Seattle. Whether something read my mind or not, I can't say. That I'm creeped out by the weirdness of this event... My comment to such experiences: Nano-sized sensors inside your body and brain pick up the frequencies of the thought and transmit. Data mining and collection is a disaster capitalism industry. It is important to BUILD UP the ability to think concepts and develop clear mental pictures. Think of it as muscle-building. If one's thinking is flaccid, Swiss-cheese-like, emotional and passive, remote signals will take control. But by "pumping iron" with gamma and beta frequencies, you are less penetrable. It may be as simple as that. The will in thinking, as Rudolf Steiner indicated. Gamma waves >40Hz
Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, and consciousness Beta waves 13-39Hz Active, busy thinking, active processing, active concentration, arousal, and cognition Alpha waves 7-13Hz Calm relaxed yet alert state Theta waves 4-7Hz Deep meditation /relaxation, REM sleep Delta waves <4Hz Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness I have started recommending LOCAL STUDY GROUPS to read Under An Ionized Sky together. Do you see how activism must now take another tack, namely through strengthening our thought frequencies??? If you are having trouble concentrating on reading how the Space Fence lockdown tech works, consider starting a small or large study group. If you think you have enough people to get one going, I can send you explication of how it works. So far, there is one group in Los Angeles and one in Olympia, Washington. Work on yourself first, Shirley, so you can serve as an example to your loved ones. Badgering them with arguments and fear will not work. Remember: They chose to be on the planet now for this crucial time of transition and battle. You will serve them more by developing yourself as an example.